This New Year, You Should Aim to Soar

by - January 20, 2018

You might be an account executive who gets easily distressed about deadlines, a law student who finds it hard to keep up with multiple exams and report deadlines, a passionate athlete who wants to get past failures and wants to develop mental toughness to get a hit in the games. 

We have talked to and mentored thousands of people with different issues and career goals, and we’re sure we know how we can bring you at the summit, too! 

What We Are Not 

Our personal life coaching programs are not only aimed to just motivate you. We don’t look after the short-lived encouragement and feel-good nudge behind you. We don’t just tell you what you should do. Our personal life coaches won’t help you get rich overnight. Moreover, we don’t have the solutions that you need for a magical success. 

We are not just another self-improvement institution offering coaching courses that yield little to no results. Some of our clients remark that our courses are more effective than they thought. 

Who We Really Are 

As your personal life coach, we want you to discover who you really are­—the unbiased, unadulterated, capable, and strong you. We’ll help you de-clutter your mind from years of social conditioning. Self-awareness is what we preach; self-awareness is what we practice. We live and breathe our work, so we know how possible our methods can transform you, little by little. Of course, the program’s efficiency can only materialize if you cooperate. The more effort and patience you have, the better results you’ll get. 

Quoting from one of our participants, “The main gift, present, surprise I got out of TCC is the realization that I was the one who made my life difficult: ‘Oh no, I shouldn’t do that, it’s weird.’ ‘I cannot say that to her, otherwise she might take it badly.’ All this was me stopping myself from really expressing who I was. 

What I got out of TCC is a real appreciation for the most important person of my life: me! I like me being idealistic, childish, charming, weird, daring, joking, loving, passionate, fighting, etc. There are no more ‘good’ and ‘bad’ aspects of me, there is just me.” You are the most important element in the equation. 

Be a Life-Long Learner 

Some people get easily discouraged by misfortunes or light sufferings. In reality, every one of us experiences these difficulties. Life has never been easier two decades ago, nor will it be harder for the years to come. The one who survives is the one who keeps his feet grounded and continues to get up after a fall. 

You don’t really have to be in school to learn new things. Hence, you can’t complain if things go against your way. We have greater tests outside the corners and walls of our classrooms. 

If you haven’t done anything new to change your present life, maybe it’s now time to throw away the bow lines and sail away from the shore. This is the time to see new sights, a time to find out.

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