Gift-Giving History and Practices

by - February 22, 2018

Human beings are extremely affectionate. Showing appreciation, gratitude and sympathy whether to loved ones, close friends or even casual acquaintance, human beings have unique ways of expressing themselves.

And a gift is among the many ways by which humans practices this unique trait. In fact gift-giving has become such a commonplace activity that it is often considered a ritual and symbolic act that has existed even before civilization as we know it.

A Brief History of Gift-giving

Perhaps history is not so much an appropriate word but even then gift-giving as a gesture have been recorded long before any known society. In primeval times, gift-giving serves as an act of offering usually to a person in power often a tribe representative, head of the family or elder. These tokens were homages and expressions of respect more than anything else.

In Medieval times, gifts served pretty much the same purpose but took on a more religious dimension as practices of offerings to God and the Church became more prevalent. After the Renaissance, gifts received a more rational value. During the time of colonizations and civil wars gifts became objects of striking peace and cooperation and became a modern political artefact.

Today in Singapore, gift-giving continues to bear a combination of these many features and purposes plus a newer and more untraditional value as corporate gifts. As corporate gifts, gift items do not just express gratitude, respect, sympathy or general affection but likewise are likewise important marketing and branding tools while at the same serving as motivational items for employees.

Corporate Gift-giving 

Corporate gift-giving today has become a year round affair and is no longer simply limited special occasions or holidays like Christmas but is part of any simple office function like foundation days, sports fest, family events and even staff birthdays.  And among employees, clients, and partners and other stakeholders, corporate gift-giving also has different values. For employees, corporate gifts show how their company values them and provide them with both incentive as reward and as reason to further elevate their standards and work. Corporate gifts in Singapore communicate how a company appreciates the work and loyalty put in by employees, it also recognizes individuals regardless of position or job. As such, these gifts boost employee confidence and morale and stimulate better productivity, camaraderie and conducive management-worker relationship climate.

Among clients, suppliers and consumers in Singapore,corporate gifts hold symbolic functions and express a company’s appreciation for their patronage and support. But most importantly for a company, corporate gifts serve as a marketing strategy and a major public relation instrument. This means a company’s public image is significantly affected by the kind of gifts they give out which is why significant attention and resources are allocated for these items.

Common Items as Uncommon Gifts

In Singapore today, common corporate gift items are shirts, coffee mags, pens, notepads and other common office items that a person regularly and routinely uses. Recently, USB, earphones, cellular phone covers, powerbanks, mobile speakers, and other techno products have become daily necessities and have therefore become ideal corporate gift items. There are also trends in Singapore in personalized gifts items and numerous corporate gift suppliers are now customizing most anything from shirt to mugs, caps to clock which have significantly boosted not just the practical but sentimental value of even the simplest corporate gift. 

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